Book your next doctor’s appointment online in seconds with Okadoc

Did your baby wake up in the middle of the night crying like there is no tomorrow and you don’t know what to do about it? Or your toddler has... read more...

Did your baby wake up in the middle of the night crying like there is no tomorrow and you don’t know what to do about it? Or your toddler has had fever for a day and are not sure where to take him?

Unkown medical symptoms that arise in babies can be a real headache for parents of young children. It can happen at any time in the morning, during lunch or late at night. The truth is we will never be prepared well enough to deal with the anxiety and anguish of being first time parents. When a child’s health first starts deteriorating, the onus of identifying and securing an appointment with the right paediatrician to get the right diagnosis and treatment becones essential.

The problem is accentuated in the UAE because as a predominantly expat community, we don’t have access to close relatives who have been here and done that before, no support system to turn to and ask for advice.

But now, thanks to a new app called Okadoc, finding the right doctor at the time you are looking for one has never been easier in the UAE. Okadoc is a ‘lifesaving app’ because not only does it help you find the right doctor for your child any time you need it, based on specialty but it allows you to instantly book an appointment for the next available slot of the paediatrician you’ve chosen. That takes a lot of stress out and gives you peace of mind. And if earlier availability is required, Okadoc’s always-on system detects cancelations and offers the choice to book the preferred doctor earlier than the initial appointment, on a first-come, first-served basis.

You can even search between different hospitals and clinics for your preferred location. It also helps you to choose doctors depending on their first language. And if you are uncertain about your health insurance policy’s coverage, Okadoc guides you to the medical facility where your card would be accepted, if that’s a priority to you.

And if suddenly that fever drops, Okadoc’s superior functionality helps you cancel your appointment in just a few seconds or even reschedule it for later if you want. Okadoc also guarantees that we will never forget a doctor’s appointment again, thanks to its non-intrusive, reminders system.

What’s more, thanks to Okadoc’s real-time, 24/7 online availability, parents will never fail to connect with their doctor due to missed or off-hours calls, or because it’s the weekend or a public holiday.

Okadoc’s service is free and always available across or the app for iPhone and Android. Once there, you can find and book online over 1,000 doctors from 130 different specialities. More doctors join in every day and Okadoc.