BabyCool to showcase its innovative freeze-dried baby food at Gulfood

The Taste Estonia Pavilion in Gulfood 2023 will feature BabyCool’s products at DWTC’s Sheikh Saeed Halls No. S-F34/S-G33 from February 20 to 24. BabyCool is an Estonian company that makes... read more...

The Taste Estonia Pavilion in Gulfood 2023 will feature BabyCool’s products at DWTC’s Sheikh Saeed Halls No. S-F34/S-G33 from February 20 to 24.

BabyCool is an Estonian company that makes the frozen baby food using organic ingredients grown in the Nordic climate. At this year’s Gulfood, it will be showcasing its cutting-edge line of frozen and freeze-dried products. BabyCool’s factory is in Saaremaa, the island of the ancient Vikings, known for its pure and abundant nature, National Park and nature reserves.

Baby food that has been freeze-dried is a breakthrough that meets the needs of busy parents while also promoting sustainability and convenience. The freshest ingredients are always used and the quality is never affected by the production process. Since the products are freeze-dried powders and shelf stable, they really preserve and even concentrate the nutrients from the components.

Since the invention of the “pouch” and the ability to feed a baby directly from one, innovations in the baby food industry have been slow. Until now, there hasn’t been anything else that combines the benefits of BabyCool’s storage and lifestyle efficiency with the high quality and nutritional components of the food.

BabyCool was founded by Kaia Sink and Annika Vestel out of a desire to give their infants nutritious nourishment. The latest product from BabyCool has been barely heated and is freeze-dried for greater nutrition and vitamin preservation. It was created in collaboration with the Estonian University of Life Sciences and approved by the Estonian Allergy Association. The raw components come from Estonian farms that are certified organic by the EU.

For more information, visit the website