

How to deal with messy eating

Messy eating is part of childhood, a process that is filled with curiosity, play and learning. Let’s take a deeper dive into this stage of development. As kids learn to… read more…


Choosing the ideal nursery

We spoke with Shamim Kassibawi, founder and CEO of Play:Date app, all about what to consider when selecting the right nursery for your child. Finding your little one’s new home… read more…


Encouraging children to do their homework

Let’s look at the best approach to homework for children who avoid doing it. Homework can often be a challenging task for children who don’t feel enthusiastic about academic learning… read more…


Teaching teens financial literacy with Leap

We look at a new app that can help you empower your child or teen to learn good financial skills in an engaging and accessible way! Financial literacy forms the… read more…


Ten books for young readers

Victoria Phillips, the Primary English Curriculum Lead and the Year 6 teacher at The English College, has put together a suggested reading list for children aged 3-8 years old. Summer… read more…


Raising confident girls

Instilling confidence in your daughter is so important for her wellbeing and future success. Let’s take a look. Despite how much the situation has improved in recent years, there are… read more…


Why children are different at home and in school

It’s hard not to take it personally when your child is an angel at school but a handful at home. However, it’s often not a parenting issue. Let’s look at… read more…


Helping your child to make friends

A healthy social life is a cornerstone of a happy childhood. Here we look at a few ways you can help your little one blossom socially. With children going back… read more…


Addressing childhood obesity

Here, we look at the causes and complications of childhood obesity, as well as how best to tackle this condition as a parent. The rate of childhood obesity has been… read more…


The recipe for a successful school experience

With more pressure than ever on children to do well in school, we look at what a positive school experience consists of and how to set your little one up… read more…