Wanting to Have Another Baby… But. Just. Can’t.

You and your husband may feel like it is right about time to have your second child. But then, it has not come just as easy the first time. Yes,... read more...

You and your husband may feel like it is right about time to have your second child. But then, it has not come just as easy the first time. Yes, it can get very frustrating… It may come as a shock that you are not alone. And although you needn’t seek for help then, it may just be the answer for your woes.


Dr Mira Bajirova, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Euromed Clinic, defines secondary infertility as when a couple have not conceived after spending one year trying to get pregnant, and despite having had no problems in getting pregnant in the past. “While primary infertility gets the most media attention, secondary infertility is just as common,” she says.

Women who have had no difficulty in conceiving previously will start to question why they are not pregnant if they have spent one year or more having intercourse during the most fertile time of their menstrual cycles,” she adds. In fact, secondary infertility is a real problem that accounts for approximately 60 percent of the existing cases of infertility. More than 3.3 million women in the US alone suffer with secondary infertility, and the numbers are rising every year.


Couples suffering with secondary infertility don’t often get the help and support they need from doctors, friends and family because they aren’t perceived as truly infertile since they’ve already had children. Dr Bajirova recommends that any couple who is finding difficulty in conceiving should have a full medical check-up. This will help to determine medical issues that may be affecting the reproductive system. “Also prior to getting pregnant and especially when undergoing fertility treatments, it is important for the couple to ensure they optimize their chances of conception by leading healthy, active lives,” she stressed.

Firstly it is crucial to eat a balanced diet, and to strengthen your chances of conceiving there are certain foods you should avoid.” Vegetarians and vegans should limit their intake of products high in soy protein. “Wherever possible, choose organic food as it is high in nutrients and it will also ensure you will minimise exposure to pesticides, which may negatively affect fertility,” she notes. Exercise is also a great way to alleviate the stress for those undergoing taxing fertility treatments.  Also importantly, Dr Bajirova urges if either of the couple smokes, they should quit. Smoking is detrimental to the health of the reproductive tract and therefore can have an adverse effect on fertility.

Remember that although it may not be the end of the road for your husband and yourself, you may just need to consult a specialist regarding the matter. What’s important is you take good care of your body and wellbeing in the process, and be open to the possibilities.