Your child could become an expert in AI technology this weekend

The UAE’s very first ParOne STEAMathalon will kick off this weekend at The Els Club, encouraging young learners to train their very own artificial intelligence GolfBots to golf pro status.... read more...

The UAE’s very first ParOne STEAMathalon will kick off this weekend at The Els Club, encouraging young learners to train their very own artificial intelligence GolfBots to golf pro status.

The event is open to grades seven, eight and nine across the UAE, who will compete against other innovative learners from around the country as they traverse a custom nine-hole mini course with their GolfBot.

Alongside GolfBot’s AI model training, learners discover the magic of tolerance, express their creativity and build real, relevant and valuable interpersonal skills, while competing in a sports setting.

Expert judges, community votes and social media interaction are combined to decide the winners in categories ranging from creativity to sportsmanship to STEAMathlete pro level, with exciting prizes awarded for all the best efforts across the fairway.

Young learner teams will be scored on innovation, creativity, sustainability, positivity and their AI project as a whole. Empowering and engaging learners with 21st-century workplace skills, the grassroots premise of STEAMathalon is that learners discover, innovate, market and celebrate.

Many schools in the UAE and around the world wish to promote innovation as part of their core curriculum and not just as an extracurricular activity. However, successfully integrating innovation within the curriculum raises important questions such as: How to bring other educators on board? How to plan the lessons? How to assess the STEAM lessons? How to promote Tolerance?

The 2019 ParOne Invitational STEAMathalon aims to promote AI x Tolerance x Sports in schools, while also demonstrating best practice on how to achieve this.

Details: The STEAMathalon will take place on April 25th and April 26th. Registrations are open and can be made via For more information, visit