What to expect when you’re expecting: Carly Pike

Carly Pike works in luxury retail and is mum to Teddy James – she shared her pregnancy with us ahead of daughter Blossom Honey being born in January 2020. July... read more...

Carly Pike works in luxury retail and is mum to Teddy James – she shared her pregnancy with us ahead of daughter Blossom Honey being born in January 2020.


Seeing those lines on the pregnancy test confirmed that we were indeed expecting another baby! My initial thoughts were filled with a combination of anxiety and overwhelming happiness. I was carrying another little human. I vividly remembered the symptoms; constant nausea, vomiting, dizziness and if these weren’t them, I was going mad. My first pregnancy had been unbelievably difficult, but babies are a miracle in themselves and I knew that I could do this again. Surely it couldn’t be as bad as the first time, right?! I had seen the wonderful glowing mothers out and about, but for the second time I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Unfortunately, I had no glow and was only at the very beginning of my journey.


It was the first day of sale and I could not move from the office, the vomiting was unbearable, and I knew I had a job to do but was overcome with guilt about not being able to support my team and my family. As a Retail Manager, I put so much pressure on myself to succeed, my career had always been so important to me. I told myself… ‘I could be a great mumma, multitask, prioritise and do many things I love’. Luckily, not only is the company behind Level Shoes family-owned, but people are at the heart of everything they do. Therefore, being surrounded by genuine, positive people and the support they give me is incredible. They sat with me, comforted me each time I was hospitalised and words of wisdom were sent my way. You soon realise that as an expat, the people you work with become your very own family.

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Throwback to when I FELT like I was going to pop… well let’s fast forward time and I’m pretty much double in size, a double chin and even squintier eyes 👀 Growing a little human is tough work but we are so excited it’s unreal 🧁🍉🌈 Organizing is out in full force once more and I think if I pull out the cupboards again or label everything in sight, @jamescpike might have a breakdown! #nesting #todolist #organizedlife #patienceisavirtue . . . . #growingeveryday #babygirl #babyphotography #februarybaby #2020goals #35weeks #35weekspregnant #growingfamily #bumpstyle #bumppic #momlife #momsofinstagram #motherhoodunplugged #magicofchildhood #expatlife #expatfamily #bornindubai

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Zofran, the anti-sickness drug soon became my best friend and it was my hope of getting through each day. My husband and my little boy were by my side the whole time, rubbing my back and motivating me – my rocks in all of this. The hospital I visit here in Dubai is incredible and my Doctor is calm, informative but so caring and has always listened to me. Every few days I was put on IV drips, given new medication and I tried ‘new’ foods.  I could only eat udon noddles and the thought of fruit/vegetables in any form was tough. I was extremely dehydrated, so I knew I had to try my best. I was surrounded by so many friendly faces yet at times, I felt lonely and isolated and the struggle made me feel so ungrateful. I took myself off social media, barely looked at my phone – which was usually such an active part of my life – and focused on getting through each day. My little boy, the apple of my eye, was also trying to accept that I was so unwell, and we tried to make each day as ‘normal’ as possible for him. Luckily, I have a wonderful nanny who took over the day-to-day running of our home and cared for my little boy like her own.  Some days felt like they would never end but at the core of it all, I knew, our baby would be the end result.


At 14 weeks, I came back onto social media and used the platform as a way of connecting with others going through the same. Many reached out for help and whenever I could, I was there to listen. We were all in this together after all! At 16 weeks, I entered the doctors room expecting to be told I was carrying a little boy – that was my initial feeling – but this tiny wriggly baby was a girl. We were all thrilled that she was safe and sound. At 21 weeks, we were told that our baby is healthy and thriving even though I had struggled. Today, at 23 weeks I am feeling positive and can dabble in a variety of foods. I set myself daily tasks to keep a routine which helps to eliminate triggers. There is definitely a rainbow after every storm and this little girl will be mine. My heart is so full!

With thanks to Carly for sharing her pregnancy with us, you can follow her on Instagram @carlyblossomandbear to keep up-to date with her motherhood journey. 

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