Goat milk formula is the right choice for your child

Goat’s milk is already well-regarded in the Middle East and adults from the region will often select it as a preferred option.1 So, what is the feasibility of using goat’s... read more...

Goat’s milk is already well-regarded in the Middle East and adults from the region will often select it as a preferred option.1 So, what is the feasibility of using goat’s milk as the source for an infant formula? Is this an option that mothers and doctors from the region would accept?

“42% of Saudi mothers would consider switching to goat’s milk”

According to a recent consumer survey in our region, almost 50% of mothers from KSA have heard of goat’s milk.2 When requested to describe the perceived benefits of using goat’s milk, 42% of mothers considered that it was easy to digest, 30% identified the presence of high quality proteins and 29% thought the taste was rich and light.2 Interestingly, 42% of those surveyed said that if cow’s milk was not accepted by their child, they would consider switching to goat’s milk. So, not only are mothers in the region well informed about the beneficial physical properties and taste of goat’s milk, but they also see it is as a very viable alternative to cow’s milk.

“Better digestibility and absorption”

Doctors in the region were also asked for their opinions on the use of goat’s milk-based infant formula. They were generally positive about the use of goat’s milk. From a scientific perspective, they felt that goat’s milk had better digestibility and absorption, in addition to richer nutrient levels.3 Doctors in the region were also understanding of a cultural preference towards goat’s milk.3 This means that if you choose to use goat milk because of personal preference or family recommendation, you can be confident that your doctor is likely to support you in this decision.

“EFSA: Goat milk can be suitable as a protein source for infant and follow-on formula”

Goat milk has also received favorable endorsements from larger healthcare organizations, such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), who provide independent scientific advice on nutrition matters. They concluded that protein from goat milk can be suitable as a protein source for infant and follow-on formula.4 Amongst a population that already favors goat’s milk in certain situations, this scientific opinion was a key step to furthering the use of this dairy product in infant formula.

Considering the views of mothers and doctors from the region, S-26® Goat Milk 3 has been developed as an innovative goat milk infant formula, nutrient-rich and developed with your baby in mind. Proven to promote improved gut health and ease digestion, and with support from local experts and doctors in the region, maybe it is time you gave goat milk a try. Look for S-26® Goat Milk 3 in your nearest pharmacies and supermarkets!


  1. Miller BA, Lu CD. Current status of global dairy goat production: an overview. Asian Australasian J Anim Sci. 2019;32(8):1219.
  2. Wyeth Nutrition. Consumer Insights – Goat Milk.
  3. Wyeth Nutrition. AdBoard: Goat Milk in Infant Nutrition.
  4. Scientific Opinion on the suitability of goat milk protein as a source of protein in infant formulae and in follow-on formulae. EFSA J. 2012;10(3).