This competition is now closed!
Winner is Osama Battah

As a parent it’s important that the car you drive is always reliable and the servicing is kept-up-to-date. Specialising in German cars, Gargash Auto has earned its reputation as a friendly, efficient, professional, trustworthy and transparent one-stop-shop for servicing, repair and body shop work. Their level of service is second to none, meaning that regardless of whether you know about cars or not, you can trust that they have the best safety and service interests of busy mums at heart. Gargash Auto is delighted to offer a top-notch car detailing experience to the value of AED 500 for your car. If you have never had this before, professional car detailing is the art and the craft of cleaning and restoring a vehicle to like-new condition, using best-in-class products and a deep level of cleanliness that you just can’t achieve at home. Enter the competition today to win an amazingly detailed spring clean for your car!


<strong>This competition is now closed!</strong><br />
Winner is Osama Battah