Tag "mental health"

Supporting a child during bereavement

Whether your child has lost a family member, someone they know or a beloved pet, it can be a tricky balance to support children at this time. Here are some… read more…

Top tips to cope with parenting stress

Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding and also most challenging experiences. Let’s look at ways to manage it when you feel overwhelmed. If you have noticed that you are… read more…

Finding more energy as a new mother

Most mums will tell you that at the start, they were tired all the time. Let’s look at a few ways to reclaim some energy and stay positive through the… read more…

Raising emotionally intelligent children

There is a lot of messaging aimed at parents around the importance of fostering academic intelligence in your kids. However, that is not the only kind of intelligence that matters…. read more…

Free Phone-in on World Mental Health Day

Do you or your children need to speak to a specialist about mental health? German Neuroscience Center in Dubai Healthcare City and Jumeirah Lakes Towers are offering complimentary phone sessions… read more…

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