15 best tips for new mums in the UAE

Mother, Baby & Child asked our social media followers in the Middle East what advice they would give to new mums, here’s our favourite replies: 1. I advise every mum... read more...

Mother, Baby & Child asked our social media followers in the Middle East what advice they would give to new mums, here’s our favourite replies:

1. I advise every mum to think first about herself. Health, sleeping hours, care, entertainment. Because if you are tired and not feeling well you won’t be able to give to your little ones. Insaf Bousserwel, Dubai

2. Don’t doubt yourself – there are so many platforms telling us ‘how to be a good mum’. Do this, do that, don’t do that, don’t do this. The truth is none of us really know what we’re doing apart from trying to be the best mum we can be. So of course ask for advice but whatever way you choose to raise your baby, you know best. PS: invest in a good maternity bra! Sian Abraham, Dubai

3. Don’t buy everything the adverts say you should! Karen Bailey-Omran, Dubai

4. Make sure to keep moving even if it’s just a walk every day. Those endorphins released when exercising are so important to keep you happy and sane – after all a happy mum equals a happy baby! Derryn Brown, Dubai

5. I am a new mum of a five-month-old and each month there is something new to learn and experience. Don’t forget to breathe and don’t feel guilty or incompetent when you ask for help Hania, 29, Dubai

6. I would recommend that mums need to remember that pregnancy and giving birth is like a hormonal marathon. It’s important to allow time to recover and ask for as much help around you as possible, so you are able to rest and enjoy time with baby. Accepting that you are ‘good enough’ and not striving for perfect as a mother. When raising your baby trust your instinct even when everyone around you has an opinion. Fareeha Amber Sadiq, Dubai and London.

7. I think the best advice I can give is spend as much time as you can with your little ones. Take photos (and I mean lots of photos) because time passes by so quickly. Donne Hany Nafad, Dubai

8. There is no perfect way of doing things and there’s certainly no such things as a perfect parent. love your child, be kind to yourself and it will be okay. I promise! The rest will work itself out Ruksar Arshad Ayub, Dubai

9. Everyone told me it was better to have my kids close, I had three under three and never really enjoyed the baby years. Allow your body to recuperate and your mind to get used to taking care of a little person before you bring another baby in to the world. Who cares what other people think, do what’s right for you and your new family. Taghred Chandab, Dubai

10. Keep Calm and Breathe. Aryan, Dubai

11. My best advice to all mums-to-be is: Don’t think that you are not ready yet, and don’t feel afraid that being a mom will stop you from achieving your dreams and goals because I’ve been there trust me. But when I held my baby in my hands for the first time I realised that she is my biggest achievements and I had accomplished nothing before her and with time passing she became my inspiration and my motivation. My daughter made me who I am today, she makes me happy and complete. Nour Muttran, Lebanon

12. You will be inundated with advice from (mostly) well-meaning people. Take what you like, ignore what you don’t and most important trust your instincts and do what works best for you and your new baby – Amy Kassem, Ajman

13. My advice would be to know that motherhood is one big trial and error. It’s great to get advice from other mums but you know your child best, trust your instincts! And if you feel like you’re not coping, know that you’re not alone and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Katherine, Dubai

14. I would love to advise new mums to enjoy every moment and take a lot of pictures, she will enjoy looking at every second and memory of each photo when the baby grows up. Record the milestones! Malak Mansour, Dubai

15. My advice for a first time mum is to get all the help she can from family and friends, so that she can get some sleep. Getting enough sleep and having the support of others can help avoid postnatal stress and also sometimes depression. Feeling overwhelmed, tired can be exacerbated by sleepless and can deeply affect the mother and also the parents’ relationship. Friends and family are always happy to help a few hours a week of asked in advance. They know how hard it is. Houda Naji, Dubai