aKINDemy launches ‘mental and emotional wellbeing’ children’s boxes to honour World Mental Health Day

In celebration of World Mental Health Day, aKINDemy, a unique children’s book subscription service, is focusing on ‘Mental and Emotional Wellbeing’ for its October boxes to support global mental health... read more...

In celebration of World Mental Health Day, aKINDemy, a unique children’s book subscription service, is focusing on ‘Mental and Emotional Wellbeing’ for its October boxes to support global mental health education and advocacy against social stigma.

The books are valuable tools for teaching kids about emotions and coping mechanisms for challenging circumstances. Children that are mentally healthy meet developmental and emotional milestones and pick up positive social and problem-solving techniques.

Along with a special selection of books, aKINDemy has collaborated with The LightHouse Arabia to develop conversation starters to help parents spot the signs that their child is emotionally struggling. These starters also offer advice on how to give their child a voice when they are having trouble expressing themselves.

Dr Saliha Afridi, co-creator, clinical psychologist and Managing Director at The LightHouse Arabia commented, “Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is linked to relationship satisfaction, leadership skills and optimal academic performance. Higher levels of EQ also contribute to lower stress levels, better social skills, less behavioural problems and better overall well-being. Given the fast-paced, technology-infused world we live in today, parents will need to be more deliberate and intentional about teaching and cultivating emotional intelligence in children starting from a young age.”

October’s boxes are filled with fantastic books to promote emotional and mental health, assist in teaching kids about strong emotions and help them develop empathy for others. The boxes also include resources such as crafts and journals that have been carefully chosen by experts to help kids better understand their emotions.

“To develop the ability to name and recognize emotions, children need our help and practice. It’s easier for children to practice when they identify with the characters and their experiences in the books they are reading. Well-chosen books help children explore all kinds of feelings and emotions. Book characters are powerful allies that often allow our children to relate to them or show a completely different point of view, therefore building empathy.” – said Agne Skutelis, Founder, aKINDemy.

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