Review: New mums plan for weight loss with Kcal

Looking to lose weight after pregnancy? Kcal meal plans make eating well simple, enduring, and pleasurable by providing daily deliveries of all your meals, professional advice, and continuing assistance. Kcal... read more...

Looking to lose weight after pregnancy? Kcal meal plans make eating well simple, enduring, and pleasurable by providing daily deliveries of all your meals, professional advice, and continuing assistance.

Kcal offers a varied meal plan you can choose from, including a diabetic plan, vegetarian and gluten-free plans. I decided to try a four-week new mums meal plan for weight loss, that catered to one person. I am not a mother myself, but this plan is also for anyone who wants to lose weight, keep their daily intake of calories under control and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Since I was little, my mother made sure I was always eating healthily and I really enjoy eating vegetables, but as I don’t like cooking and I love eating out and discovering new restaurants, I end up not paying attention to the calories I consume, so I wanted to find a meal plan that would offer home-made dishes without any preservatives or additives, give you a balanced diet in terms of fat, carbs and protein and a good selection of different types of cuisine. This is why I decided to try Kcal.

To start, I discussed my meal plan with my nutritionist to go through any food intolerances, allergies or foods I disliked, so all the meals would be selected according to my preferences.

My plan included a five-day program from Monday to Friday, with the weekends free to allow me socializing and eating out. My goal was to lose weight as efficiently as possible and feel more active and energetic, so my diet was low in carbs and saturated fats, high in protein and fibre, and moderate in portion sizes at meals (between 1,400-1,600 calories per day).

I was supposed to get my meals, which included breakfast, lunch, supper, and two snacks, every day at the time that worked best for me. I chose morning delivery, and I always had my daily meals before 6 a.m. Each meal comes cooked and includes the ingredients used, the number of calories, fat, carbs and proteins and instructions to re-heat it.

An example of a day’s plan includes a breakfast of blueberry and avocado pancakes; a morning snack of mushroom and zucchini pizza & infused water with orange, basil and turmeric; a lunch of melon salad and turmeric chicken soup; an afternoon snack of energy bites and a couple of slices of peach, mango and red grapes; and grilled steak with mushroom sauce & cauliflower rice for dinner.

My favourite dishes were omelette with mushroom, turkey bacon & red Relish for breakfast, chipotle spiced chicken with roasted mushrooms & bean for lunch, citrus fish with grilled asparagus for dinner and Kcal sunflower brownie and raw chocolate cheesecake as snacks.

I really enjoyed the fact that the cuisine is diverse, so you never get bored of having the same or similar meals.

I felt better mentally and physically at the end of the four weeks and I was able to shed 2 kg, which is a fantastic result given that I did indulge on the weekends.

Give Kcal a try if you are looking for a nutritious, educational, and delicious meal plan to help you make sure you eat well, on time, and obtain the necessary nutrients your body requires. Even your awareness of your wellness and fitness will increase because of it.


Thanks to the variety of meals and snacks, you never feel like you are missing out. Kcal is a fantastic option for people who lead hectic lives and have little to no time to prepare healthy meals. Truly recommended.

Free delivery in UAE. The new mums plan costs AED3,325 for 4 weeks. Call 8003 9872 and visit the website or Instagram