

Raising confident girls

There are lots of challenges that come along with growing up as a woman in this world. With all of the expectations, judgements and social pressures on our girls, it’s… read more…


Helping your child to make friends

A healthy social life is a cornerstone of a happy childhood. Here we look at a few ways you can help your little one blossom socially. With children going back… read more…


Teaching teens financial literacy with Leap

We look at a new app that can help you empower your child or teen to learn good financial skills in an engaging and accessible way! As the new academic… read more…


Addressing developmental challenges in children

We spoke to Dr. Zemer Wang, Medical Director at Aviv Clinics Dubai by DP World, about recognising and tackling developmental challenges with the right resources, so you can empower all… read more…


How to travel stress-free with kids

Travelling with kids can be a wonderful adventure, and with the right preparation and mindset, it can be a stress-free and enjoyable journey for the entire family. The thrill of… read more…


Fostering strong decision-making skills

Learning to make well thought out, sensible and effective choices is a crucial life skill. Let’s look at how to foster this ability in children. As parents, we hold the… read more…


Introducing kids to cooking

Teaching your little one to cook can be such a rewarding experience for both of you. With a few tips on what to expect, you’ll be cooking up a storm… read more…


Valuable life lessons for the little ones

Peppa Pig is not only an entertainment phenomenon but also teaches kids valuable life lessons and promotes good character traits. Here are five key takeaways for the little ones. THE… read more…


Building resilience in children

In this article, we discuss how to go about fostering resilience in your child, so they have the skills they need to overcome any challenges that life throws at them…. read more…